Effie Dima

Yoga instructor | Life coach | Food Scientist | Nutrition Scientist

Effie is a graduate of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition of UNIWA and her career started in the area of nutrition and food. She’s worked as a Nutritional Counselor both in individuals and hotel units, and also as an analyst in the General Chemical State Laboratory where she did laboratory analysis in food and alcoholic beverages. 

Since 2022 and after completing her studies in Life Coaching (NKUA), she’s been working as a Coach, both  in individuals and groups. Her first experience with yoga was when she was a child, due to her mother who was practicing daily in yoga and meditation. She has attended Ghyta yoga school, under the supervision of Michalis Filinis, and she has completed RYS200 and RYS500. Except for that she has participated in various educational seminars. 

Except for the teaching school that she owns, she voluntarily teaches yoga and meditation to vulnerable social groups, such as harassed women, refugees, people in recovery and children fighting with cancer. Her teaching focuses on the holistic approach, therapeutic principles, chakras, empathy, meditation, pranic flow, the power of music, food and and most importantly the love for the human being and freedom.