Irini Nikolaidou

Executive & Team Coach | PCC | ACTP

Irini has more than 25 years of experience in corporate management positions and has developed a significant activity in the provision of development and consulting services to executives and business groups. She founded the company Moving Minds Coaching through which she offers innovative programs that include Coaching, Mentoring, Supervision and Grounding© services. She has trained more than 2,500 business executives in more than 3,000 hours of coaching and 900 hours of mentoring.

Her expertise lies in the areas of Self-Awareness, Leadership Development, Performance Management, Change Leadership, E.Q., Strategy and Organization.

She focuses on the development of skills and techniques that can improve personal performance, “opening” paths of personal success and self-realization. Through a thought-provoking approach, she challenges the belief system of individuals so that they can pursue Dreams, Goals and Destinies, using as key elements Positive Thinking, Belief in Strengths and Available Resources.

She holds a degree in Marketing & Communication and a master’s degree in International Human Resource Management. She is certified in Life & Business Coaching, mBraining, Points of You®, Advanced High Performance Team Coaching, Four Quadrant Quantum Thinking, Systemic Team Coaching by GTCI, D.E.& I. (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) and in Team Coaching Supervision. She is also an ICF Mentor for Coaches.